Horse Sport Ireland Freelance Coach Insurance Policy 2025
The 2025 HSI Freelance Coach Insurance Policy is open to all HSI qualified coaches holding an HSI Level 1 Apprentice Coach, Level 1 NDC or NPC Coach, Level 2 or Level 3 Coach qualification.
The HSI Freelance Coach Insurance Policy is also open to British Horse Society (BHS) Accredited Coaches who are resident in Ireland. In order to avail of the policy BHS coaches must have a minimum qualification of BHS Stage 3 in Complete Horsemanship or UKCC Level 2 Coach qualification plus BHS Stage 3 Care and Ride (BHSAI).
In order to avail of the HSI Freelance Coach Insurance policy, all applicants must have the following certification and paperwork in place before submitting an application and payment for the 2025 policy.
Valid Garda Vetting completed through HSI and/or Access NI
In date and valid FAR First Aid and/or BHS Equine Specific First Aid
Child Safeguarding certification completed through HSI or your local sports partnership.
It is a coach's responsibilty to ensure that their certification is valid and in date at the time of purchasing.
You must maintain valid certification for the duration of the policy, that being from the date of purchase to the 31st of December 2025. Allowing certification to expire or lapse may affect your cover in the event of an accident.
You are advised to make efforts to renew your First Aid/Safeguarding/Garda Vetting prior to the expiration dates.
Please forward any updated certification to the HSI Coaching Department by emailing to update your coach record.
Before you complete this form and submit payment for your renewal, please review the policy documents which are available at the following link: